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Laser imagery: Photosynthesis viewed in a flash

"A new method of examining the inner workings of plants has shed light on how they harvest the Sun's energy."

Category: Energy sources


Brown 'is not being green enough'

"Britain is in danger of being left behind by rest of the world, warns environment chief"


Sweden aims to lift nuclear ban

"The Swedish government plans to overturn a nearly 30-year-old decision to phase out nuclear power and lift a ban on building new reactors."

Category: Energy sources


Greenwash: Dirty claims on clean coal

"The Scottish government is talking up the world's dirtiest fossil fuel as clean in its push to revive its coal industry"


Flagship fusion reactor could cost twice as much as budgeted

ITER "The international project, which aims to produce cheap green power by recreating the conditions inside the sun, already absorbs half Britain's energy research budget"

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 506 to 510 out of 1050